05 | ESG strategy
Materiality analysis
A materiality analysis is an exercise that identifies a company’s critical ESG issues. It engages with internal and external stakeholders to build a full and accurate picture of all organizational matters and then uses these insights to define core business priorities, guiding both strategy and operations. Hafnia used the following approach to define the organisation’s materiality matrix
- Identify and prioritise the relevant issues
- Identify internal and external stakeholders
- Research and consult with internal and external stakeholders
- Identify the critical issues and develop a materiality matrix
As a result of this process, the most important issues have been identified and are represented in the Hafnia 2021 materiality matrix below.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Air Quality
Ecological Impacts
Ship and Waste Reduction
Ship Recycling
Diversity / Inclusive
Health and Safety (mental health and physical wellbeing)
Accident & Safety management
Human Rights
Training & Education
Governance Structure and Authority Business ethics
Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption
Whistle Blowing
Code of Conduct
Effective risk management processes
Remuneration process and policies