07 | Social impact
Employee health and safety
At Hafnia we strive to ‘CARE’ – to be collaborative, ambitious, reliable and enduring. We aim to integrate these values in our day-to-day operations and throughout our business strategy. As part of this integration effort, we initiated a values-based leadership programme in 2020 for all shore-based employees with leadership responsibilities.
The People, Culture & Strategy team has also recently launched several initiatives to bring people closer to each other and to gain a broader understanding of our organisation and industry. One such initiative is our “Back to work workshop”, discussing how to best move from remote working into a flexible workplace, where both employees, who prefer work from the office as well as from home are considered. We also found that the unpredictability of Covid-19 was a main challenge.
Hafnia believes in zero harm to people, environment, cargo and property.
Our procedures and risk-based approach helps us to mitigate the hazards faced by the maritime industry. We have a system which is continuously improving and evolving for the better. Our safety culture focuses on people and human factors and is based on improving systems to reduce accidents at sea.
Flexible work arrangements and working from home
We have held flexible work arrangement workshops to learn directly from our employees about the benefits and challenges of working from home while finding a common understanding of what is expected while working from home.
We have a 20% work from home policy, but constantly re-evaluate to assess what our employees prefer and what the business needs.
Mental health and wellbeing initiatives
Health and wellbeing initiatives are continuously being developed by the Company.
Many initiatives and programs are outsourced to partners who are experts in their fields and these partners has been carefully selected with high quality in mind.
We engage for example the following:
- Marine Benefits (health insurance and wellbeing surveys)
- International SOS (medical advice to ships)
- WellAtSea (wellness program)
- ISWAN (helpline)
- MCTC (catering consultancy – training and campaigns)
- Norwegian Training Center (mental health training course)
- Applied Research International (ARI) (training)
During Mental Health Awareness Month, the Company hosted a workshop and a panel discussion on the topic for both seagoing and onshore personnel. The panel discussion included personal stories and experiences from our CEO as well as from experts and victims of diagnosed mental health disorders. The workshop was facilitated by a professional coach. The feedback from the workshop was very positive and has led to additional monthly mindfulness sessions.
Policies in place to protect the wellbeing of our Seafarers includes
- Company Mission and Values
- Human Factors
- Safety and Quality Policy
- Just Culture
- Anti-Bullying and Anti-Harassment Policies
Wellness Program
An online employee wellness platform that encourages a sustainable lifestyle change for our seafarers through
- Physical activities
- Mental health exercises and training
- Social activities
- Nutrition monitoring and challenges
- Health risk assessment to enable them to be more aware of their body
- Wellness surveys to keep track on the wellbeing of our crew