08 | Governance
Business ethics
Anti-corruption and anti-bribery
Hafnia stands against corruption and bribery in the maritime industry and has a policy of zero tolerance to corruption and bribery. For the prevention hereof, Hafnia has implemented and enforces procedures and policies and all employees must undergo training for this purpose.
Hafnia is a member of the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (“MACN”), which was established by a group of companies within the maritime sector to work towards an industry free of corruption and to enable fair trade to benefit society at large. To reinforce our commitment and accelerate the industry’s change, Hafnia joined the MACN in 2014 and continues to contribute to the network as an active member.
Hafnia and MACN work towards the elimination of all forms of maritime corruption by: raising awareness of the challenges faced; implementing the anti-corruption principles and co-developing and sharing best practices; collaborating with governments, non-governmental organizations, and civil society to identify and mitigate the root causes of corruption; and creating a culture of integrity within the maritime community.
One of the many ways Hafnia seeks to uphold human rights and stop corruption and bribery is through our whistleblowing policy.
Whistleblowing protects us all. It is a vital tool in identifying and reducing illegal and other unethical practices and ensuring Hafnia and our staff maintain the highest standards. We are proud of our robust whistleblowing policy – just one of the procedures we have put in place to protect our reputation as a reliable, ethical company.
Reporting may be done through internal channels or through the independent party engaged by Hafnia for external whistleblowing services and will result in approved, structured investigation procedures. Anyone identifying legitimate concerns can keep their anonymity and will be protected from reprisals or victimisation. Personal data and any other information provided will be kept confidential, and used solely for investigation of the matter.